Sunday, January 13, 2008

Day 115 At Sea

The weather forecasts at sea are just as reliable as back home. Since the Captain announced yesterday that we were in store for rain showers the weather couldn’t have been more perfect. Today was spectacular! I definitely got major sun today. I think I’m getting a pretty good base tan. These sea days are just amazing. I guess we have five more before we hit land and I’m going to enjoy each and every one. Tonight we will do our usual routine of going to the Crow’s Nest at 7:00 for drinks before dinner and then go for a great meal. The food and service on Holland America is super. Too bad the chairs at the pool aren’t as good. I’m not sure they have come to the realization that the chairs are way past their useful life (at least on a luxury cruise). They should donate them to some beach on some impoverished island…. They are spending a lot of time cleaning them, not sure what that does for us. It’s kind of like putting lipstick on a pig…. In the end it’s still a pig. Sorry for the tangent… it was a great day!


Anonymous said...

Base Tan. Laughed so hard I nearly giggled the laptop off my lap.

Anonymous said...

Regis was back on his show this morning and talked about Barry and Susan Glazer being on the ship with them and cruising to Panama. He said he very impressed with Panama City. He also liked paddle tennis and described it as being hemmed in by sides of ship. Interesting, but no mention of seeing the "tan man".

Anonymous said...

Who is that guy I see sitting in the "SHADE"??????

I guess thats a process you go through when you're developing a 'base tan'.