Monday, January 14, 2008

Day 116 At Sea

Today was again a spectacular day. At 10:38 this morning (Mountain Time) we crossed the Equator. The sun is getting pretty intense…. Pretty nice. At 2:00 we had the traditional Poseidon’s Revenge Ceremony for crossing the Equator. In honoring Poseidon we ensure safe passage and smooth waters (always a good thing). Theses days at sea are getting pretty relaxing. I must save up a little energy because when the exploring new ports, countries and sites gets serious, I’ll need it. Tomorrow is another day at sea, let’s hope for another glorious one….


Anonymous said...

Guess they were smart bringing out wooden chairs vs having passengers lay in the lounges to watch proceedings? Can't have them collapsing in front of senior officrs.
Food must be great on board as Capt has not missed a meal or is he a volleyball burglar?

Anonymous said...

Regis mentioned the cruise today. It was brief. Talked about their friends they traveled with and showed pictures of them playing racket ball. Can't believe he didn't talk about you Jeff. So wrong.