Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Day 145 At Sea

Today was not a great day... We have overcast skies, a bit of rock & roll and it's very chilly. It was a good day to try and catch up on some things. I spent a good portion of the day backing up computer files (photos) so I don't lose them. I've decided to go for a massage to get over the stress induced by the bad weather..... Tomorrow could be the same. Did I see on CNN that we are sailing toward a Typhoon???? I hope it gets better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Typhoon??? Holy caca - where do you "hide" from that? Somehow I'm betting the bathroom isn't gonna do it. Surely the Captain has a super duper weather radio and he will steer you far from it.

If not, can't wait to see the pics!