Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Day 55 At Sea

Today was a very relaxing day with perfect sunny weather…. the photo speaks a 1000 words. I also was busy looking to the future….. I booked the Grand Australia, New Zealand & South Pacific cruise on the Amsterdam leaving Seattle 26 Sept 2009 for 67 days. It returns to L.A. on 2 December. I’m not totally thrilled with it since I wanted to book L.A. roundtrip but could only do it if I booked a guarantee and not get an assigned cabin (I don’t do that). Not happy at all about this. I may decide in the end not to take it for that reason….It does seem silly that I would even consider joining the ship 4 days earlier in Seattle when that is not what I wanted. Who knows? It was a nice day at sea anyway….


Anonymous said...


I can't imagine planning something out 2 years from now.

Lisa said...

If you do decide to do the Voyage, I can take you to the best restaurant in Seattle; then, maybe it won't sting as much.

Okay, it still will, but Seattle in September is usually beautiful...

Anonymous said...


What???? Scheduling ONLY a 67 day trip and at that it really isn't what you want? These past two adventures are going to be hard to hold a candle to. What will you ever do for your next trick?

Am enjoying your pictures and your commentary. Wonderful! Keep enjoying .


Jeff Farschman said...

Lisa, I may take you up on it. Everytime you post I get momentarily confused.... my sister is Lisa as well and I don't think she would be flying to Seattle to take me to dinner.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking about it, but fat chance now!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeff: I'm sure we can find a way of getting you a stateroom and not a guarantee. I'll talk to Patty about this as well

The Mookster